Priory Fields receives prestigious Community Award

Priory Fields in Bicknacre is one of the best community-run green spaces in the country – and that’s official!

Today, Priory Fields will receive the Community Award, a sign that the site is a well- managed and welcoming place, central to the local community.  A high-quality green space in the village.

Priory Fields is one of a record number of parks and green spaces receiving the Community Award this year, ensuring that even more of us now have access to well-managed, high-quality green spaces.

In 2011, 1,288 parks and green spaces will fly either the Green Flag or Community Award, a sign that the value of green space is widely acknowledged as vital to our communities.

A spokesman for The Friends of Priory Fields said -  ‘This award is the result of many hours of hard work put in by the committee and voluntary workers of The Friends.  It  will make their efforts seem all the more worthwhile to know they have achieved the required standard for this award. The Friends would like to record their thanks to the Heritage Lottery Fund and various local organisations and individuals, without whose financial contributions this land would not be available for the community to enjoy.

For anyone in Bicknacre and the surrounding areas who has not yet visited the Fields, they can be found by driving through the front car park of Bicknacre School into the field car park beyond and then following the signposts to Priory Fields. We are sure you will find the journey worthwhile.’

Within the fields is the Priory Arch, the only remains of a twelfth century Priory, which is worth a visit in it’s own right.’

Phil Barton, Green Flag Plus Partnership chairman said: “I would like to congratulate this year’s winners, who have worked hard throughout the year to keep their parks and green spaces at a high standard and ensure they are pleasant and enjoyable spaces for the whole community.

“The Green Flag Award Scheme, and its growth, is essential in driving up the standards of our parks and green spaces.  Access to quality green space is something we all desire and the scheme plays a key role in providing it.

“In these challenging financial times it is heartening that the number of Community

Awards continue to grow.  As the value of green space and the role it plays in our communities strengthens, we must ensure these high standards remain.”

All award-winning sites now have the chance to receive a further award from the Green Flag Plus Partnership, the People’s Choice Award.  This award is voted for by the public, so if you want to see your local green space receive a national accolade as the People’s Choice, then visit the Green Flag Award website now to register your vote.