Priory Fields receives another Green Flag Award

Priory Fields is one of a record number of 1424 UK sites receiving a Green Flag Award – the national award for public and community parks and green spaces.

The Friends of Priory Fields chairman, John Bishop said: “We are all delighted to receive this award for the second year running, it is very rewarding to know that the fields are recognised as having reached a standard comparable with many large open spaces run by professionals and it makes all the hard work and dedication of our committee and our volunteers all the more worthwhile.”

Communities Minister, Andrew Stunell said: “Great parks and green spaces have a huge impact on local communities, providing places to play and relax as well as bringing generations together in a variety of ways. They are fundamental to our quality of life, whether in cities, towns or villages, and the Green Flag Award scheme seeks to help raise the standards of them all. The many excellent stories coming from the scheme prove what communities and volunteers can achieve by working together with professionals in our green spaces. Well done to all those involved in creating these inspirational places for everyone to enjoy.”

Paul Todd, Green Flag Award Scheme Manager, said: “We are thrilled to announce yet another record-breaking year for Green Flag Award parks and green spaces. A Green Flag Award provides national recognition for the achievements of all those whose hard work and dedication has helped to create these fantastic places for all to enjoy”.