Saturday 21st July saw the first really fine day after the months of rain that preceded it. It was then that the parish held a mini-olympics event during which the Friends of Priory Fields staged a cross-country race around Priory Fields. It was intended to hold a one mile race for adults as there was plenty else for the children to do but surprise surprise the children wanted to run round the fields too. As it turned out only one adult registered to take part so the adult race was cancelled. The course was shortened to a lap of the East Meadow, approximately 450 metres and thirteen children aged between five and eleven lined up at the start.

The whistle blew and after about fifty metres eight year old Luke Reeve was way out infront and increased his lead as the race progressed. He surged ahead to cross the line way ahead of the field in a time of 1 min. 43 sec. to gain the winner’s medal and a certificate declaring his to be The Fastest Feet on the Fields. As they say it’s the taking part that counts so congratulations to all those who joined in the event and had a great time in a race that could be the first of many.